Type Alias ConsoleInterface

ConsoleInterface: {
    error?: ((format: string, ...param: unknown[]) => void);
    group?: ((...label: string[]) => void);
    groupCollapsed?: ((...label: string[]) => void);
    groupEnd?: (() => void);
    log: ((format: string, ...param: unknown[]) => void);

Interface for a console object.

Type declaration

  • Optional Readonlyerror?: ((format: string, ...param: unknown[]) => void)

    Logs a message to the console.

      • (format, ...param): void
      • Parameters

        • format: string

          A printf-like format string.

        • Rest...param: unknown[]

          The parameter to log.

        Returns void

  • Optional Readonlygroup?: ((...label: string[]) => void)

    Increases indentation of subsequent lines by spaces for groupIndentationlength.

      • (...label): void
      • Parameters

        • Rest...label: string[]

          If one or more labels are provided, those are printed first without the additional indentation.

        Returns void

  • Optional ReadonlygroupCollapsed?: ((...label: string[]) => void)

    An alias for group in Node.js.

      • (...label): void
      • Parameters

        • Rest...label: string[]

        Returns void

  • Optional ReadonlygroupEnd?: (() => void)

    Decreases indentation of subsequent lines by spaces for groupIndentationlength.

      • (): void
      • Returns void

  • Readonlylog: ((format: string, ...param: unknown[]) => void)

    Logs a message to the console.

      • (format, ...param): void
      • Parameters

        • format: string

          A printf-like format string.

        • Rest...param: unknown[]

          The parameter to log.

        Returns void