Type Alias Signature

Signature: {
    console?: ConsoleInterface;
    effects?: {
        [effectName: Tagged<string, "EffectName">]: Config.Effect.Signature;
    guards?: {
        [guardName: Tagged<string, "GuardName">]: Config.Guard.Signature;
    verbose?: Verbose;

The typeof signature for state machine configuration.

Type declaration

  • Optional Readonlyconsole?: ConsoleInterface

    Interface for a console object.

  • Optional Readonlyeffects?: {
        [effectName: Tagged<string, "EffectName">]: Config.Effect.Signature;

    The actions to perform when the state is entered.

  • Optional Readonlyguards?: {
        [guardName: Tagged<string, "GuardName">]: Config.Guard.Signature;

    The guards to check before the transition.

  • Optional Readonlyverbose?: Verbose

    The verbose level to log messages.

    • 0 or false: No logs.
    • 1: Error messages only.
    • 2 or true: All messages.